INFO-ATARI16 Digest Tue, 14 Nov 89 Volume 89 : Issue 647 Today's Topics: Atari 1040ST+extra's for sale Blitz! Floppy Backup available (Advertisement) Languages!!! Request for output to disk shel_read() question TT Vapourware!!! What's wrong with the AMY? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 14 Nov 89 06:10:52 GMT From: haven!aplcen!jhunix! (Ajay Choudhri) Subject: Atari 1040ST+extra's for sale An excellent deal. for sale: 1) Atari 1040 ST -1 megabyte memory -new Tos v1.4 operating system installed -built in 800k 3.5 drive -RS232 port, Centronics and MIDI ports 2) Atari SF314 disk drive -external 800k 3.5in drive 3) Atari SM-124 Monochrome Monitor -fine dot pitch monitor -high res,no flicker,paper white SHARP! 4) Avatex 1200HC -300/1200 baud modem -Hayes compatible(full) 5) HP Deskjet printer -excellent printer -economical, competes with low-end lasers 6) Epson RX-80 9pin dot matrix -solid, great condition 7) Software (LOTS!!) makes package unbelievable -Timeworks Desktop Publisher ST -Timeworks Word Writer ST -Interlink Telecomm Software -Word UP! (WYSIWYG WP) -Easy Draw -Ton of PD/Shareware(LOTS!) Will sacrifice total package for 1250 dollars(Non-negotiable), will not separate Get back to seller at 301-674-8762(Bob Johnson) ins_bac@jhunix.UUCP ins_bac@jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU .. !uunet!mimsy!aplcen!jhunix!ins_bac 301-467-4223 have fun! ------------------------------ Date: 13 Nov 89 19:06:14 GMT From:!mailrus!!utgpu!watmath!watcgl!electro!geor (George Reimer) Subject: Blitz! Floppy Backup available (Advertisement) In article <> (Dan Karbowsky;AtariEliteOfPghPa bbs412-384-5609) writes: > > BLITZ - THE BACK UP SYSTEM > ========================== Looks like a very innovative approach! Bravo! How about those who would like to build the cable and have the parts? Is the software only being made available? Will it still cost $2 ? For that price can you NET it? George Reimer ------------------------------ Date: 14 Nov 89 10:41:19 GMT From:!!!!uxa.cso.uiuc.e du! Subject: Languages!!! Strike three, your out! ------------------------------ Date: 13 Nov 89 23:51:13 GMT From: nis!pwcs!stag! (John Stanley) Subject: Request for output to disk [mike@system.Cambridge.NCR.COM (mike) writes...] > In article <750027@hpsad.HP.COM> randyh@hpsad.HP.COM (Randy Hosler) writes: >>Could you please re-post this or send me a copy? >>It got all mangled here and I can't un-arc it. :-( >> > I agree !!! It was definitely mangled. Same here in Minnesota.... ------------------------------ Date: 14 Nov 89 04:04:52 GMT From: att!chinet!saj@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Stephen Jacobs) Subject: shel_read() question It looks from the TOS 1.4 release notes like shel_read() is the answer to the question of how a program can tell what its name is, and which of perhaps several executable files with the same name it was loaded from (that is, its full pathname). Is this so? I get the impression that it wasn't always so good. The documentation I have is sketchy and apparently self- contradictory. Would someone please give an explanation of this function, under whatever versions of TOS are interesting to mention. And if this all should be obvious to the most casual observer, I'm sorry: missing the obvious is a special talent of mine. Steve J. ------------------------------ Date: 14 Nov 89 04:19:38 GMT From: mcgill-vision!quiche!calvin! (Sam Alan EZUST) Subject: TT In article <1783@atari.UUCP> apratt@atari.UUCP (Allan Pratt) writes: > (Enartloc Nhoj) writes: >>The strange thing is that i have a hard time believing that i >>am still considering buying an 030 that won't multitask all that >>niffty GEM software i have on my drive. > >[.. stuff explaining that it is really difficult for multitasking...] > >What I'm trying to say is THIS IS NOT EASY. It's not even Moderately >Difficult. This is A Hard Problem. The presence of a 68030 doesn't >make it any easier. > It is for the same reasons that OS/2 isn't compatible with dos. If you have ever written in a multitasking operating system while understanding what it really entails, you will just smack your hand on your forehead and yell, "yoi!" when you start to imagine how difficult writing such an operating system would be... Does anyone know how the hell Macintosh managed to make all their programs work with multidesk (or was multitasking always supported on the Mac? Please don't flame me if this is very common knowledge - my hatred for Apple runs so deep that I haven't even touched one until quite recently...) anyway, are there any plans for a TOS which will support task switching? That would be a really nice feature to throw in with a TT, and isn't very hard (just takes up disk space or memory space)... -- S. Alan Ezust aka "Depeche MoDem" McGill University Computer Science Disclaimer: I claim everything! Montreal, Quebec, Canada (je pense que.... ) je me souviens "This kind of pornography is a matter of artistic creativity" ------------------------------ Date: 14 Nov 89 05:14:04 GMT From:!natinst!rpp386! (Mark Lehmann) Subject: Vapourware!!! Don't forget that the NeXT uses the optical storage disk. That has to slow it down terribly. I know that an 800Mb 28ms drive is available, but it seems kind of silly to have both forms of media in the computer. Especially if the optical drive available is only 550Mb. It would probably be much better if the NeXT were to come with an 800Mb hard drive as the default drive and use the Optical Drive just for removeable storage. An entire Licensed Program Product would be available on one disk then and the ussual UNIX installation and upgrading nightmare would be avoided. Mark Lehmann -- +------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Mark Lehmann | | | | | | ?bigtex|texbell?!rpp386!mark | | ------------------------------ Date: 14 Nov 89 05:06:22 GMT From:!natinst!rpp386! (Mark Lehmann) Subject: What's wrong with the AMY? Dont's forget about CURRENT NOTES. Available at Atari Dealers and via US MAIL. I don't have the address now, but if anyone shows interest in the address I will post it. I find CURRENT NOTES to be an excellent sources of reliable news. Mark Lehmann :-) -- +------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Mark Lehmann | | | | | | ?bigtex|texbell?!rpp386!mark | | ------------------------------ End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #647 *****************************************